Sunday, June 10, 2012

Give me a Sign....

Well it's been a while....things are busy with school wrapping up and summer activities/sports starting.  This week was a catch up around the house.  All those little things that got neglected last fall and haven't been done yet this spring.  But I did manage one little project I was hoping to work on since last summer.

It started while I was out paddling on my kayak last August.  I saw a piece of wood floating in the water and paddled over to pick it was a nicely worn board so I stashed it in the foot hold and paddled on.  It has been leaning against my porch since then and this week I decided to do something about it.

Last summer I had repainted the front porch and made a bench seat out of an old door...
The front porch looks great now, but I have wanted to add a sign with our street and number on it since I repainted.

Sooo....I pulled out the old board and set to work.  This is a super easy project and takes no time at all.  I marked the letters/number out on the board in pencil and then painted them on in a durable paint.  I chose an off black for this. 

  Here it is on the front of the house.....
 I love projects like this because they are quick and have a big impact for little effort.