has been a nutty month. It seems everyone is buzzing this time of year, but in particular these past several weeks have been really crazy!
In addition to picking up an almost full time gig (yay!), I was part of a craft show/Christmas Market with some other people in my neighbourhood. It was such a success we have decided it will be an annual event. It is really great to see all the people you love from your neighbourhood and to look at the talented artists who I know. There were so many great things for sale and it was a really fun night to boot. Here are some pics of my things at the sale that night.
I sold a lot of my wares...and also got my name out there. Took some custom orders and generally had a wonderful time catching up with all the people in my neighbourhood. Who are truly wonderful!!
From that night....a star was born...and his name is "Jimmy". Back in March we were lucky enough to be invited up to a friend's brother's cottage for March Break. We all had a great time and in the process I spied these cut off round of wood in the wood pile. My friend checked with her brother and he generously donated them to me.....and the "Jimmy" was created. Named after their donor, these babies are lovingly sanded down and oiled with food-safe Tung Oil to create cheese boards...or Charcuterie Boards for those of you more fancy folk!
I love sanding them down and discovering the grains within. As a kid I really always loved fallen trees and especially loved counting the rings on them to see how old the tree was. So the fact that these boards make really lovely presentations out of your cheeses for entertaining...and that you can literally see how old they are is just too sweet!
Here's a look at Jimmy being created:
I've asked my friend to see if there are any more around....and to tell her brother that he is a much wanted commodity amongst my friends in the hood!
Hope your past month of getting ready for the holidays was as wonderfully busy, fun and varied as mine has been!
You crazy talented woman! I love all your products and glad you can find a creative outlet and a place to make some extra moolah from it all. So you say a full time job??? What's that about? I thought you already had a job.