Friday, February 10, 2012

Tip of the hat...

So this blogging thing is still very new to me and I find that I can't always keep up with posting...or come up with ideas for posting.  It is hard to find original ideas in this day of shared information where everything seems to have been talked about already.  Then I realized that it is okay to pass on info from other sources and to share their resources.

My super talented and amazing friend Carol has a blog called The Design Pages.  You have to check out her blog...she is inspiring and creative and just...well....worth following.  She recently blogged about these great bowl/mugs called "The Baby Buddha Bowl" by Flavour Design
I was so in love with them at first sight and remembered them when this styling job I am working on called for original and cool looking mugs.  Carol I tip my hat to you for introducing me to them. See for yourself how great they are!
I love the great colours they come in (more than you see here) and that you hook your thumb in them and cradle them...exactly how I drink my morning cuppa.  I think they would be a welcome addition to anyone's kitchen...and what a good gift to give a friend...a couple of these and some tea from David's Tea (my new favourite passion) or a pound of coffee beans.  Who wouldn't love a guest that showed up with those?  Oprah even listed them as her "favourite things"...

While trying to find some for this shoot I am styling, I emailed the company to see where I could get my hands on a few. Of course now that the client fell in love with them they had all but disappeared.  The owner, Elan, emailed me back within an hour...and that includes the 3 hour time zone difference...Elan was helpful, polite and so kind.  She helped me find a store that carried them and I now have them to present on set...I really hope that after the shoot one of them might find it's way into my kitchen. 

So....from reading about these on one blog, I have been inspired to re-post on my own....reminds me of that commercial from the 80's..."and she told 2 friends, and so on and so on"

Let's not ever be worried about stealing sources, resources or trade secrets...I think the more info the better and if someone ever finds something I write about worth re-posting, I will be flattered and happy to share the wealth...that's what this blog world seems all about to me anyway.  Thanks Carol for the inspiration!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you love these as much as I do. When I had my store I sold these and I couldn't keep them on the shelves. I totally agree they're the perfect gift!
